Trust Your Truth by Shannon Algeo

Trust Your Truth by Shannon Algeo

Author:Shannon Algeo
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: New Harbinger Publications
Published: 2021-01-28T19:09:31+00:00

Chapter 4:

Let Your Heart Lead

Heart Chakra, Anahata

Color: Green

Element: Air

Body: Heart, circulatory system, lungs, respiratory system, rib cage

Emotional Impact: Emotional intelligence, the ability to move energy throughout the body, compassion, Wisdom body

Shadow: Grief and resentment

Light: Divine love

Soul Truth: I feel it to heal it.

Mantra: Yam (Bringing the awareness to the heart center, repeat yam—sounds like “yum”—out loud or silently eight times before beginning to read this chapter. Sense the energy of tender love.)

The heart—your emotional power center—is where you feel the full spectrum of human emotion and cultivate compassion and empathy for yourself and other beings. Emotions awaken your soul to its purpose and truth. They help you feel all the areas within yourself that require emotional healing and empowerment in order for your dharma to come to life. Your heart amplifies your purpose and connects you to an unseen, but deeply felt, level of power and wisdom within you.

While the third chakra—your gut—is the center of your physical “human” self, the fourth chakra—your heart—is the center of your spiritual “being” self. The third chakra connects you to your worldly purpose, and the fourth chakra connects you to your spiritual purpose. Your heart is drawn to its higher calling because it’s the closest to the center of the soul; it’s the doorway to the Wisdom and Bliss bodies.

The element of the fourth chakra is air—like the air being breathed by your lungs. The lungs surround the heart, and as they fill up with oxygen, the lungs gently press against and massage the heart. The heart and the lungs are lifelong cuddle buddies—wrapping each other in oxygen and love. The fire of the solar plexus chakra cannot exist without the air of the heart chakra because it’s oxygen in the air that allows fire to exist! We can’t see oxygen, but the presence of fire proves it’s there. In the same way, the fiery motivation to be in alignment with your soul purpose would not exist without the emotions and desires of the heart.

All emotions, the bitter and the sweet—love, compassion, empathy, ecstasy, joy, grief, sadness, heartache, guilt, shame, and fear—are felt in the heart. It’s through the heart that you receive and let go, both emotionally and physically.

Linda Graham, marriage and family therapist and author of Bouncing Back: Rewiring Your Brain For Maximum Resilience and Well-Being (2013), writes, “The warm, safe touch of our hand on our heart center begins to activate the release of oxytocin, the brain’s hormone of safety and trust, bonding and belonging, calm and connect. Warm, safe touch anywhere that feels comfortable on our body can release the oxytocin, but there are neural cells around the heart that communicate directly with the brain and more quickly begin the activation of the release.” The arms are extensions of the heart. They allow you to give and receive throughout your life, and you can use them to recharge and give back to yourself. Try this exercise to tap into your heart energy and get some oxytocin flowing.

Take just a


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